Sunday, November 23, 2008

Asset Preservation is Key

Greetings Friends!

JP Reyes here, your resident property investment specialist from the Phillies.

I would like this important information to be short, simple and efficient, so here it goes.

We are all very well aware of the economic instability that is currently infecting the world market.

If you were living in a box, just to let you know, this has been brought about by the exceeding amount of defaulted subprime mortgage in the United States which cascaded to the eventual credit crunch in major financial institutions around the world.

It is a mess, everything in the board seems to be in red and the world may be coming into recession.

Now, should we stop our routine or give up on attaining the lifestyle that we much truly deserve?

Surely not, for we work hard and do our best to survive this crisis and there must be nothing to stop us to attain our dreams and goals in life.

But what can we do in these days of economic instability? Should we stop investing and freeze our deposits in a vault till the good times return?

The ultimate answer:

We must invest now for Asset Preservation is the key for us to survive and rake in cash post-recession.

Research well enough on the internet and you will find out that most investment instruments are loosing money, except real estate (and of course precious metals). Even in your portfolio, you may surmise that what places you in the green are your real estate investments.

Knowing real estate can provide preservation to our assets, what would be the best developer in the Philippines to bet our good money on?

Surely, it could only be Ayala Land. The best developer in the Philippines that delivers what it promises.

Ayala Land is the leading innovative developer of vibrant communities and groundbreaking living solutions adapted to the changing needs of the upscale market, ensuring them the life they deserve.

Here are some of their current projects:

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"We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful". - Warren Buffett

There is only prime mortgage in the Philippines, our country's credit-deposit ratio is still very low, it's time for us to reinvest our money in the best real estate company, it's time for us to live the life we deserve.
Feel free to ask me for more information.

Thanks for reading,

Juan Paulo Reyes
Property Investment Specialist
Ayala Land, Inc.

+63917 - 865-3689
Official Email:

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