Lottery Mechanics for Santierra in NUVALI Tranche 3 Launch:
Tranche 3B Lottery Mechanics
July 16, 2010, 8:00 am
2nd Floor Tower One Sales Lounge
A lottery system will be conducted among clients duly represented by authorized ALSI, ALISI and Accredited Brokers.
Only the following are eligible to participate in the lottery:
Those who have passed the pre-qualification stage:
· Clients/sellers must submit a signed check and a completely accomplished & signed Reservation Agreement form per lot to their respective channel admins from July 7-15.
· Signatures on both the check and RA should match.
· Substitution of checks will only be allowed until July 15 at 4:00 pm.
· Cash reservations will not be accepted.
· Channel admins. must forward all pre-qualified checks and RAs to Lala Henson by July 15 at 4:00 pm.
Those who come on July 16, 2010 (Friday), 2nd Floor Tower 1 Sales Lounge, on or before the designated cut-off time of 8:00 am (Clients need not be present if represented by authorized ALSI, ALISI and Accredited Brokers).
Order of priority will be determined by VOLUME:
1st priority will be given to the clients who reserve the MOST number of lots. Each buyer may only reserve a maximum of 3 lots.
Buyers of more than one (1) lot may reserve and assign lots under the names of immediate family members (i.e., spouse, parents, siblings, children and grandchildren). Otherwise, lots assigned as a separate transaction and will be subjected to a separate lottery.
As you may have noticed from the above mechanics, Ayala Land Premiere is really very organized.
The Map of Santierra Tranche 3 below and the current Payment Options on offer.

Map of Tranche 3 of Santierra in Nuvali

Payment Options for Santierra Nuvali
*Cash 60 via BPI with 2% Discount is interesting.
Feel free to ask me questions, I will be happy to answer them for you.
Please contact only the undersigned for viewing appointments or site tripping.
Thanks and God Bless,
Antonio P. Reyes
Realtor Since 1981
License #4522
9307635 or 2152364
(0918) 333-35-75
(0916) 675-36-89
MY US PHONE NUMBER via VOIP: (317) 493-5744