Just an update re: Avesta.
Attached is the map of avesta, wherein i encircled the area of the newly acquired land for the village expansion. This is in light of the fact that the right of way acquisition from Ferndale Homes have been temporarily denied (residents of ferndale, do not want the construction vehicles passing through their community).
Due to this, the launch date was moved to the 4th quarter of 2009 for the redesign of the village. Now, our main access shall be situated at Tandang Sora nearing the Congressional Avenue Extension. I feel this redesign made Avesta more interesting since it shall have another major access: 1) Tandang Sora Avenue, 2) Sampaguita Road, via Don Antonio.
I have also attached a projection of the popular payment term that we shall offer on the launch. Take note, there are other payment terms to choose from. A loan projection shall also be seen within the excel file, just click the tabs to append the projection worksheet.
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