Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Two Serendra Price Increase

There will be a 2% increase in prices at Two Serendra effective July 28, 2008.

This includes Section D and Section E, with remaining inventory of 3 bedroom bi-levels and special 3 bedroom bi-level units.

The price increase will also take effect on the prices of Aston at Two Serendra. But the promo terms for Aston will still be available for avid buyers.

Meanwhile, the said price increase will apply to Red Oak at Two Serendra as well. This price increase will be the first for Red Oak. 


So buyers, get ready to reserve and take advantage of Red Oak Serendra's introductory prices.

This increase will be the first of a the two tiered appraisal to 5% of Total Contract Price. The next price increase will take effect on August 1, 2008 with another 3%.The increase are driven by the global up-trend of the prices of steel and construction raw materials in the market.   

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