Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Lerato Scale Model Photos

Here are some photos of The Lerato Scale Model to help you imagine how the project would look like eventually.

Ayala Land's The Lerato promo offers PHP 3M-worth studios or Non-VAT PHP 2.4M studios for 20% Downpayment and cash terms on all floors and all studio unit sizes until May 30, 2010.

Please contact only the undersigned for inquiries and site tripping.


Juan Paulo "JP" Reyes 
Manager, Sales and Marketing

AP Reyes Realty Investment

You can Contact me @:

+63917 - 865-3689

My mobile landline: 632 - 215-2364

MY US VOIP number: 317 - 493-5744

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Find more location and vicinity by clicking this condo in Philippines the lerato, for more info.


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