Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Venare at Nuvali construction photos

VENARE landscape. Some clearing are already seen. Setting up for construction.

Laguna Mountains, which I think is Mt. Makiling, seen in the horizon. Notice the semi-rolling terrain of Venare.

On that side of the greenery, an Ayala Mall will rise in Nuvali.

Seen at this vantage point is Laguna de Bay.

VENARE is situated at a high point in Nuvali, so you will be able to survey the whole development. If I had a better camera also, I would have been able to take a photo of the Makati and BGC skyline from this point in Venare.

See this elevation map of the lots in Venare

Larger Resolution: http://a.imageshack.us/img836/3844/v...levationma.jpg

September 2010: month of price increase for Venare Nuvali, most probably after the September 19th Open House.

Feel free to ask me questions, I will be happy to answer them for you. 

Please contact only the undersigned for viewing appointments or site tripping.


Juan Paulo "JP" Reyes 
Manager, Sales and Marketing

AP Reyes Realty Investment

You can Contact me @:

+63917 - 865-3689

My mobile landline: 632 - 215-2364

MY US VOIP number: 317 - 493-5744

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