Tuesday, November 30, 2010

1016 Residences Vicinity Photos | Cebu Business Park

We are now accepting Letters of Intent since last week! Feel free to email me for details ~jp.reyes@ayalalandrealestate.com 

site of proposed mid-rise corporate bldg VV

(images sourced from my facebook)

I would say the whole park beside 1016 Residences needs to be updated and landscaped. Surely Ayala Property Management can be up for the task.

The whole Cebu Business Park area in the Samar loop vicinity must also upgrade/repair the sidewalks since most of it are uneven, taken over by shrubbery and broken.

I can say that for sure they will do this before the 1016 Residences project turn overs by 2014 since the over-all look of the community should be at par with the Asiatown IT Park project.

For more info, please see the 1016 Residences Cebu dedicated page on this website.

For Inquiries, Please Call JP, Tony or Vicky Reyes at 9307635, 2152364 or 0917865689 | APReyes Realty Investment | Feel free to ask us questions about 1016 Residences, we will be happy to answer them for you. Please contact only the undersigned for viewing appointments or site tripping.

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