Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Angeles 9 Condo For Sale Marquee Ayala

Angeles 9 - Condominium

Render: will post as soon as LTS is out.

For Pre-Selling by April 2011

This is the sequel to Marquee Place and shall compliment Marquee, the Ayala Land development in Angeles.

It shall be built on a 1.3 Ha area in Marquee, nearest Angeles exit of NLEX.

4 Towers, 2 of the 4 Buildings will be launched first.

The 2 towers are not the same height, one being taller than the other. The parking complex was designed seemingly to be another structure with a unique cladding. 

One building will be 8 storey and the other is 13 storey. There are only 20 units per floor, combined for the two buildings. So the two towers will have 20 units per floor in total for the typical floor plan.

1 Bedroom Units are 45 sqm, which shall comprise of 50% of the available units for sale.

2 Bedroom Units are 60 sqm, which shall be 35% of inventory.

3 Bedrooms at 90 sqm, which shall be 15% of the available inventory of units for sale.

Amenities include karaoke, function rooms, gym, multi-purpose hall, lap pool, outdoor play area, kiddie pool, connection to Marquee Mall TBD.

We are now accepting LOI's for the priority selling event.
Feel free to ask me questions, I will be happy to answer them for you. 

Please contact only the undersigned for viewing appointments or site tripping.


Juan Paulo "JP" Reyes 

You can Contact me @:

+63917 - 865-3689

My mobile landline: 632 - 215-2364

MY US VOIP number: 317 - 493-5744


Anonymous said...

i require a Cheap Marquees for home...post more details
Marquees for Sale

anieb said...

Your blog was really good .i appreciate with your blog. Thanks for sharing profitable message for us .

Marquee Sale


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