Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ready For Occupancy House at Anvaya Cove Seascape Ridge

Anvaya Cove Seascape Ridge

Once again, we take our cue from nature and give
you a kind of leisure space to focus on what's most
important, providing you more ways to enjoy days
well spent with the family. Here at Seascape Ridge,
you can have your own special place within the
stunning surroundings of Anvaya Cove.

Summer is always within reach at Anvaya Cove

An escape into sea and sky, Anvaya Cove is the first seaside
residential community of Ayala Land Premier. Sheltered by
the resplendent mountains of Morong, Bataan, this pristine
natural environment opens up a horizon of living choices.
There are neighborhood lots where you can build from
the ground up or homes you leave us to put together.

Either way, you can choose your own refuge with a view
a leisure home that is just a few minutes away from the
Anvaya Cove Beach & Nature Club. Now set in place, it is
at the heart of the development bringing together the natural
beauty of Anvaya Cove and a host of recreational amenities
the facilities of the Main Pavilion, The Pools at Anvaya,
the Great Lawn, the Bamboo Café, and more.

At Anvaya Cove, you have a place waiting for you to return,
time and time again. A family haven in an exceptional
location and built around the Ayala Land Premier heritage
of excellence. A respite assured by a commitment to
outstanding after-sales service and property management.
With endless summers now within your grasp, it is so easy
to create family traditions to last a lifetime.

Anvaya Cove - Seascape Ridge

Seascape Ridge at Anvaya Cove Early Move in Promo limited to June 2012 Buyers

Seascape Ridge units provide all the privacy and comfort of a
home, in a prime elevated location. Each unit, designed in the
open and airy Tropical Asian architecture, extends the beauty
of Anvaya Cove seamlessly inside and out.

Every detail is laid out to encourage family bonding with
more room for kids to enjoy their summers in the magnificent
outdoors. And there's no need to worry about the upkeep
Ayala Property Management Corporation is on the job to
handle grounds maintenance and administration.

Seascape Ridge is all about providing choices—there are options
to buy more than a single corner home or to even own an
entire leisure quad for you and your extended family. A warm
and welcoming vacation house with the conveniences and
security of condominium living—the ideal second home for
clients of all nationalities.

For Inquiries, Please Call JP, Tony or Vicky Reyes at 930-7635, 211-1970, 453-8373, 425-2979 or 09178653689 | APReyes Realty Investment | Feel free to ask us questions about Houses or Lots for sale in Anvaya Cove Morong Bataan, we will be happy to answer them for you. Please contact only the undersigned for viewing appointments or site tripping. Or INQUIRE NOW by CLICKING HERE.

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