Monday, January 7, 2013

Ayala Land Premiere’s 1016 Residences Cebu

1016 Residences Cebu: Unit Pick of the Week!

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Ayala Land Premiere's 1016 Residences Cebu

1016 Residences is a high-end residential condominium project co-developed by Ayala Land Premiere and Cebu Holdings Inc. Carrying the Ayala Land Premiere brand, the development promises to deliver an exclusive and distinct living experience.

Ayala Land Premiere's 1016 Residences Cebu : Unit Pick of the Week - 24F (Cityscape Suite)

1016 Residences Unit Pick Of The Week

1016 Residences is located centrally at Cebu Business Park. It is a short walk from the city's premier retail and entertainment hub, the Ayala Center Cebu, and is directly connected to the exclusive City Sports Club Cebu – giving the residents and endless array of facilities and amenities for shopping, recreation and business. It's convenient location is balanced with space and luxury through carefully designed spaces which take advantage of scenic views of the sea and the mountains and open up opportunities for private spaces even on the upper floors.

For Inquiries, Please Call JP, Tony or Vicky Reyes at 930-7635, 211-1970, 453-8373, 425-2979 or 09178653689 | APReyes Realty Investment | Feel free to ask us questions about Condo units for sale in 1016 Residences Cebu, we will be happy to answer them for you. Please contact only the undersigned for viewing appointments or site tripping. Or INQUIRE NOW by CLICKING HERE.

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