Thursday, February 28, 2013

The New Art of Living Series in Kasa Luntian

The New Art of Living Series in Kasa Luntian

Experience Natural Living Spaces at Kasa Luntian in Tagaytay

Kasa Luntian will be Alveo's first foray into leisure developments and is planned to be a leisure residential condominium complex with aquaint retail strip tucked away from the main road.


The New Art of Living Series in Kasa Luntian

What to expect? What to do? How to live the life that you deserve in Kasa Luntian?


Savoring a Kasa Luntian, Timeless Tagaytay Recipe

-Savor a cornucopia of fine local food options, delightful delicacies, and great cuisines at Kasa Luntian quaint retails area!

Kasa Luntian Tawilis


Kasa Luntian – Meet the Chesnut Munia

-Wake up to refreshing vistas with the charming sounds of a variety of colourful and fascinating birds!

Kasa Luntian – Chesnut Munia


Kasa Luntian – Accessibility and Convenience

-Escape to a convenient weekend getaway at their new leisure home at Kasa Luntian!

Kasa Luntian Accessibility and Convenience


Kasa Luntian – Cool Climate: Average Temperature 22.7C

-Enjoy the comfortable weather and cool breezes of Tagaytay all year round!

Kasa Luntian Climate


Kasa Luntian – Rejuvenating Lifestyle Destinations

-Go on in a place that is rich in leisure, gastronomic, and even spiritual options!

Kasa Luntian Destinations


Kasa Luntian – Make Your Home Your Yoga Haven

-Relax and experience tranquillity in the serene spaces of their new leisure home!

Kasa Luntian Yoga


Kasa Luntian – Intimate Bonding With Your Loved Ones

-Live in a home that inspires you to bond with your family even more!

Kasa Luntian Pick Up Game


For Inquiries, please contact us via the form below or CALL JP, Tony or Vicky Reyes at 930-7635, 211-1970, 453-8373, 425-2979 or 09178653689 or 09173138271 or 09173138273 or 09173138278 | APReyes Realty Investment | Feel free to ask us questions about Leisure Condo units for sale in Kasa Luntian Tagaytay, we will be happy to answer them for you. Please contact only the undersigned for viewing appointments or site tripping.

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