Monday, April 14, 2014

Vestis North Condo Masterplan

Vertis North Alveo - High Park-page-009

Alveo Vertis North Condo

An Unsurpassed Legacy – Ayala Vertis North

We rise to the occasion. For more than 80 years, Ayala Land has set the standard for real estate development in the Philippines. Presenting the nation's most highly regarded addresses ranging from an ensemble of sustainably integrated growth centers to multi-genrational communities. All vibrant destinations spotlighting a singular vision of enhancing land and enriching lives for more people.

Innovating The Way You Live

ALVEO LAND embodies the spirit of innovation, bringing forward a tradition of industry excellence marked only by its Ayala Land heritage. A commitment best realized by a stunning portfolio of vibrant neighborhoods, groundbreaking living solutions, and master-planned communities across the country – nurturing individuals and investments by giving you a place for living well.

Quezon City, The Emerging Enterprise Capital of the North

Once the nation's capital, today an emerging Asian Hub thriving with over 3 million people. At least 60,000 businesses and more than 700,000 households call Metro Manila's largest city home. A 16,000-hectare cultural and lifestyle hotspot, it is also the address of the country's most influential media and broadcasting companies.

Through the years, Ayala Land has aligned Quezon City's past and present with the future – propelling vast resources and a fiercly entrepreneurial spirit toward building the city's newest lifestyle and enterprise capital.

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For Inquiries, Please Call JP, Tony or Vicky Reyes at 930-7635, 211-1970, 453-8373, 425-2979 or 09178653689 or 09173138271 or 09173138273 or 09173138278 | APReyes Realty Investment | Feel free to ask us questions about ALVEO Vertis North Condo For Sale, we will be happy to answer them for you. Please contact only the undersigned for viewing appointments or site tripping. Or INQUIRE NOW by CLICKING HERE.

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