Thursday, January 28, 2010

Alveo Zuellig Brochure


As per request, attached is the rough brochure for the Alveo Zuellig Project that will be launched this April 2010. 

Speculative pricing at PHP 105,000/sqm. i.e. for a 29-sqm studio = PHP 3,045,000 with VAT.

Some of the probable payment terms available upon launch.

A) 10, 10, 80 - No interest

Reservation Fee - PHP 50,000
10% Down payment less Reservation Fee
10% Spread over 24 months
80% Balance for Bank Financing
~ 85,000 for 5 years
~ 55,000 for 10 years
~ 45,000 for 15 years

A) 20, 80 - No interest

Reservation Fee - PHP 50,000
20% Down payment less Reservation Fee
80% Spread over 60 months.

***Large Imgaes Start***

Only 1-bedroom and Studio units. Combined units are allowed.

***Large Images End***

Note: See also attachment.

They are now accepting Letters of Interest --> here

It is important that we pass this letter if we are interested, since:

1. Your LOI will guarantee as a queue number for the priority selling. This queue will correspond to our turn on picking a unit of choice with the best view and best price.

2. Your LOI is non-binding and does not represent a reservation agreement. Its still your decision to invest on this project after you formally choose the exact unit, exact price and specific payment terms when the priority selling event will happen on the last week of March or April 2010.

3. Your LOI will provide you the chance to get a unit at this project with the launching prices.

Feel free to ask me questions, I will be happy to answer them for you. 

Also, I am accredited to sell properties of developers below my signature line. If you do not have a broker/agent yet, I will be sure to provide you help in acquiring this investment following your specifications and requirements. Just let me know about your thoughts on this and how I can provide what you need to decide.

Please contact only the undersigned for viewing appointments or site tripping.

Thanks for Reading,

Juan Paulo "JP" Reyes
Manager, Sales and Marketing

AP Reyes Realty Investment

You can Contact me @:

+63917 - 865-3689

My mobile landline: 632 - 215-2364

MY US VOIP number: 317 - 493-5744

We are accredited property sellers of: AYALA Land Premiere, Inc., ALVEO Land, AVIDA Land,  Megaworld Corp., DMCI, SM Investments Corp., Rockwell Land.


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