Thursday, January 14, 2010

Good News From Montecito: Interest Free Payment Terms!


        GOOD NEWS from Montecito! The following INTREST FREE payment terms have been extended for reservations made until March 31, 2010!


1.    15%DP (2 months) – 15% (19 months) – 70% lumpsum

2.    20% DP (3 months) – 30% (20 months) – 50% lumpsum

3.    20% DP (3 months) – 30% (34 months) – 50% lumpsum


Be sure to reserve before February 1, 2010 so that you can avail of the current prices!


*The following schemes are only applicable to lots in Tranches 1-3 of Montecito and lots size must be at least 1,000 sqm. Thank you and happy selling! J


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