Monday, October 12, 2009

Ayala Westgrove Sample Computation Promo

Few Lots Left!

Est. Selling PriceApprox. Area (sqm)
10A-B4L20 PHP 0.00422
10A-B4L21 PHP 0.00422
10A-B4L24 PHP 0.00430
10A-B4L25 PHP 0.00444
10A-B4L32 PHP 0.00634
10A-B5L2 PHP 0.00554
10B-B7L10 PHP 0.00568
10B-B7L12 PHP 0.00512
10B-B7L15 PHP 0.00516
10B-B7L17 PHP 0.00516
10B-B7L19 PHP 0.00513
10B-B7L32 PHP 0.00486
10B-B7L33 PHP 0.00472
10B-B7L54 PHP 0.00524
10B-B7L55 PHP 0.00569
10C-B7L14 PHP 0.00530
10C-B7L16 PHP 0.00527
10C-B7L18 PHP 0.00526
10C-B7L20 PHP 0.00519
10C-B7L21 PHP 0.00506
10C-B7L23 PHP 0.00479
10C-B7L31 PHP 0.00507
10D-B6L2 PHP 0.00622
10D-B6L3 PHP 0.00656
10D-B6L6 PHP 0.00713
10D-B7L56 PHP 0.00546
10D-B7L57 PHP 0.00520
10D-B7L58 PHP 0.00520
10D-B7L60 PHP 0.00528
10D-B7L64 PHP 0.00570
10D-B7L65 PHP 0.00615
10D-B7L67 PHP 0.00600
10D-B7L68 PHP 0.00626
11-B1L5 PHP 0.00594
11-B1L8 PHP 0.00550
11-B2L10 PHP 0.00687
11-B2L11 PHP 0.00618
11-B2L17 PHP 0.00586
11-B2L6 PHP 0.00514
11-B2L8 PHP 0.00484
11-B3L10 PHP 8,538,600.00749
11-B3L14 PHP 7,791,400.00652
11-B3L15 PHP 6,258,600.00549
11-B3L18 PHP 6,349,800.00557
11-B3L19 PHP 6,007,800.00527
11-B3L2 PHP 7,544,700.00606
11-B3L5 PHP 6,405,200.00536
11-B3L6 PHP 7,330,200.00643
5A-B21L7 PHP 0.00412
6-B8L27 PHP 0.00564
7A-B3L10 PHP 0.00644
7A-B3L6 PHP 0.00680
8C-B6L26 PHP 0.00644
8C-B6L30 PHP 0.00854
8E-B6L31 PHP 0.00409
8E-B6L5 PHP 0.00595
8E-B7L1 PHP 0.00485
8E-B7L11 PHP 0.00638
9B-B6L24 PHP 0.00616
9B-B6L25 PHP 0.00705
9C-B6L2 PHP 0.00617
9C-B6L3 PHP 0.00623
9C-B6L5 PHP 0.00657
Crestwood 12-B3L3 PHP 0.00436
Crestwood 12-B3L5 PHP 0.00433
Crestwood 12-B3L6 PHP 0.00394
Crestwood 12-B3L7 PHP 0.00388
Crestwood 12-B4L1 PHP 0.00460
Crestwood 12-B4L2 PHP 0.00524
Crestwood 12-B4L3 PHP 0.00420
Crestwood 12-B4L5 PHP 0.00420
Crestwood 12-B4L6 PHP 0.00420
Crestwood 12-B5L11 PHP 0.00392
Crestwood 12-B5L8 PHP 0.00425
Crestwood 12-B5L9 PHP 0.00411
Crestwood 12-B6L2 PHP 0.00492
Crestwood 12-B6L3 PHP 0.00403
Crestwood 12-B6L5 PHP 0.00426

Thanks and God Bless,

Antonio P. Reyes


Realtor Since 1981
License #4522
9307635 or 2152364 or 55 77 147
(0918) 333-35-75
(0916) 675-36-89
MY US PHONE NUMBER via VOIP: (317) 493-5744

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