Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nuvali Treveia Lots Below 300 sqm


JP Reyes here.

As we may have known, Nuvali is the new wave of the future. It is the only ecologically-centered and modern metropolis in the world that has provided solutions to our current urban problems such as congestion and pollution. More than this Ayala Land, as Nuvali's master developer, has provided Nuvali's home owners a valued and appreciating investment that is truly worth looking into.

Club house

The "40 meter" Main Entrance 

Articulated walls 

So while the prices are still low, I do hope we can help you decide to invest early on Nuvali. With this, we have attached the least expensive lots of Treveia that are available. Please see attached map to see where these lots are located. I have also highlighted them in green for your convenience.

Please review for your perusal smaller lot cuts of Treveia in Nuvali.


Thanks for Reading,

Let me know what you think,

Juan Paulo Reyes
Real Estate Investment Specialist

AP Reyes Realty Investments
Accredited with:

Ayala Land, Inc.

Avida Land.

SM Investments Corp.

Megaworld Corp.


Contact me @:

+63917 - 865-3689

My mobile landline: 632 - 215-2364

MY US VOIP number: 317 - 493-5744


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